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    Location: Roswell, Georgia, United States

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    A Tendril's Plea - a Poem by Jerry Clements

    Today Jerry sent me this poem he has written, called A Tendril's Plea, and I think it is one of the loveliest poems I have ever read. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Feel free to forward it to your friends and family members who would appreciate it. Also add your own comments using the "Comment" feature at the bottom of the entry. Jerry always appreciates your feedback, opinions and comments!

    A Tendril’s Plea*

    Ever alert, the tendril makes its plea
    For a willing, supportive hand,
    It simply begs on bended knee,
    No food is sought, nor silver band.
    Just a simple twig, alive or dead
    To support its master’s upward tread.

    Vine support is the tendril’s task
    A big job for such a slender thread.
    Yet, no less would the master ask.
    The vine has already fought and bled
    Through sprouting and growing years.
    No hesitation now, better years lie ahead.

    Dedication and patience are now required,
    Feel the gentle breeze and enjoy its song,
    See the sway of the branches newly sired,
    Be ever alert to whatever comes along
    Slim and tiny may be the twig in sight
    But quickly grasp and hold it tight.

    Once the lively touch is made
    Curling quickly the tendril binds its friend
    Sure to hold in sun or shade.
    The union bonded sure-- to the end.
    Showing to man the gain for all
    From the help of a willing friend.

    * Tendril—A threadlike growth extending from a vine near its growing end.

    Jerry Clements 8/2/07


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wonderful poem. I could actually "feel" the tendrils as they spread out and grew..
    My very favoite poem is , "The Daffodils". It too brings wonderful pictures to the mind!!!

    Judie Dyer

    7:24 PM  

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