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    Location: Roswell, Georgia, United States

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    George W. Bush and the War in Iraq

    George W. Bush and the War in Iraq

    George W. Bush wanted to be President of the United States. Being Governor of the state of Texas was a tough job, but he could handle it and he liked it. It seemed natural to move up to the finest job in the country, President, and he did. He didn’t get the votes to move to the White House, but a way was found to get him the job he wanted.

    Being President is a tough job, requiring a lot of hard work, making a lot of difficult decisions, but he could do it. He knew he could, especially if he got good people to assist him. He had developed several good friends in the oil business and in the field of Republican politics. On top of that, he had a vision, a calling to be a great leader in the world.

    He had developed a strong dislike for Saddam Hussein and would like to finish his overthrow that his father failed to do. We, and our devoted allies, had whipped his army and pushed him back into the established Iraqi borders. What we failed to do was find a way to share in the oil rich resources of that country.

    Then, as if on a silver platter, President Bush was given the opportunity of a lifetime when the terrorists attacked the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Now he had the excuse to make a Regime Change in Iraq. However, the people of the United States understood that Ben Laden had pulled off that job and they wanted to pursue and capture him and give him the punishment he deserved. They had little desire to attack Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Their dislike of him could wait.

    At this point the conspiracy began. There was nothing but revenge to be gained by pursuing those terrorists who had holed up in Afghanistan. There was no oil up there.
    If all of the terrorists could be lumped together and their center of influence be located in Iraq, then we could get our vengeance for ‘9-11’ and achieve the goal we wanted in Iraq at the same time. New plans were formulated and the search for needed evidence began.

    1.Media reports stated that Mohammed Atta , lead hijacker in the 9-11 attack, had conferred with the intelligence chief of Iraq in Prague in April 2001. Bush officials used this story as proof of a link between Iraq and 9-11, but it has been definitely disproved.

    2.The National Intelligence Estimate, after receiving input from the entire intelligence community, reported without dissent that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons; was not trying to get them; and did not appear to have reconstituted its nuclear weapons program since the UN and IAEA inspectors departed in December 1998. In October 2002 a new NIE unanimous report stated that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons or a nuclear weapons program.

    3. Having the benefit of the information in these classified NIE reports, the following officials made hundreds of false assertions in speeches on television, at the United Nations, to foreign leaders and to Congress: President Bush, Vice President Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State Colin Powell, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Their statements were consistent and false.

    4. President Bush did not say directly that there was a link between Iraq and the 9-11 attack, but did convey that message by mentioning 9/11 and Iraq in speech after speech in his campaign to sell the Iraq war to the public and to the world.

    5. Contradicting the National Intelligence Estimate, Mr. Bush stated in his 2002 State of the Union address that Iraq presented a “grave and growing danger”.

    6. The President stated that members of Congress had the same intelligence that he had when they voted to allow him to make war on Iraq while in fact much of what they got were summaries that had qualifiers and unsubstantiated additions in them.

    7. The Bush administration purposely presented a complex deceit about Iraq to both the Congress and the public in its effort to obtain authorization to attack a nation that had neither the intent, or the capability, to attack the United States.

    President has attempted to justify his actions by contending that they were necessary to protect American lives against the danger of an imminent attack. At the same time the President knew that Iraq presented no such danger.

    One day in the future some group will obtain the power to obtain information regarding the buildup to and execution of the war in Iraq and the items enumerated above will be affirmed of disproved. The answers will determine whether President should be praised as a good wartime president or scorned and impeached as an ambitious conspiring leader who betrayed the trust of the American people.


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